Thursday, November 22, 2007


  • Define terms that I will be using throughout the blog
  • Access vs. Legality
  • Discuss abortion availability in the a general sense
  • Abortion in rural areas of the U.S.
  • Abortion in urban areas of the U.S.
  • Abortion in Australia**, a country with universal health care, therefore universal access
  • Throughout all, address TFT theory and analysis in terms of my framework of a legal but inaccessible entity

** Unfortunately, I had to change my other country of comparison because all of the information I could find on abortion laws was, you guessed it, in French. I should have realized it, and I was just epitomizing a typical American in my assumption that all the information I needed would be in a language I knew. My apologies to Jason, I know you were excited to hear about the issues in France, and others who were interested in my blog concept as well. However, I do feel I can do just as well with Australia, perhaps better so stay with me! Again, my apologies for the confusion!

1 comment:

Jason Uecker said...

As something of a Francophile I'm already interested in where you go with this blog. :)

Despite my interest in French culture I've only barely scratched the surface when it comes to their views on reproductive rights. France being a highly Catholic country, one would think that there would be more outcry over abortion than here in the U.S., but what little I've read seems to indicate that is not the case. Go figure!